Saturday, June 09, 2007

5 common complaints from Mami

Mami's 5 common complaints :

1) Ben Ben is still wearing diapers at home..... Ben Ben must say "shee shee" or "poo poo". Big already, must obey, you know???

2) Ben Ben must hold Mami's hand when walking. Cannot walk on your own. Too dangerous. Big already, must obey, you know???

3) Ben Ben cannot watch so much TV. Must read more books. Big already, must obey, you know???

4) Ben Ben cannot talk too loud, and cannot scream. Big already, must obey, you know???

5) Ben Ben must not cry when people laugh loudly. Big already, must obey, you know???

I think Kai Yeh can imagine Mami "lecturing" me. Mami a lil' "cheong hei", but I know that Mami loves me because she has always said that to me.


TripleJin said...

aiyah!.....this is the start of it la! they are all the same!

jin ren koko.

ezra said...

your mami loves you that is why she nag so much. nevermind...


khai yer